New working paper on the implications of alternative warming metrics for national climate targets here (pdf).
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Submission to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action on pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Climate Action bill
Comments on the publication of the draft Climate Bill
My full comments can be found here (pdf).
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The role of carbon budgets in translating the Paris Agreement into national climate policy
MaREI Discussion Paper
Jason Mc Guire, Fionn Rogan, Hannah Daly, James Glynn, Olexandr Balyk and Brian Ó Gallachóir
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The World Energy Outlook for a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050 – what insights for Ireland?
A new focus on behaviour change and low-carbon fuels is needed to meet the target
The 2020 edition of the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook was launched today, a report which is widely regarded as the most authoritative source on the outlook for the global energy system, widely read by policymakers, industry figures and researchers (and for full disclosure, I was a proud WEO...
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The green recovery has two wheels – or a 'false dawn'?
Off-peak cycling rates in Dublin City Centre increased by 45% during the lockdown
Dr. Hannah Daly, Vera O’Riordan, Isaac O’Sullivan Hourihan, University College Cork
Published on RTE Brainstorm
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